About Us

Building and protecting multi-generational wealth

These are uncertain times—fluid at best, turbulent too often. Yes, there are opportunities for the smart and well-informed; but there are also many difficulties to be managed. However, one thing can be said with certainty: every individual and business must optimize every opportunity, while minimizing every risk.

This isn’t an environment that you should traverse alone. Nor is it a time when just any professional services firm can help you. To prosper today, you must have complete faith in the advice that you receive in order to act with confidence. This kind of advice does not come pre-packaged or off the shelf. It is always specific, highly focused and considered with the end result in mind.

ASCOT Wealth Management is a firm of professional advisers whose concept of service is to solve problems, exploit opportunities and turn advice into action. Our style is personal and our outlook progressive with our goal being to deliver a comprehensive range of investment, insurance and advisory services that go beyond the statutory requirements.

Established in 2005, we have become one of Australia’s most progressive firms, with talented staff that lead the field in the provision of advice to individual / private clients and business owners.

Our firm’s Partners have both national and global networks that ensure we can provide a local service backed by global expertise.

We are committed to developing a close relationship with our clients to keep them informed and develop our knowledge of their affairs.

Always a technology leader, we consistently introduce innovative practices and procedures. Always a believer in the value of expertise, we continue to expand our capabilities across a range of interrelated disciplines, while extending our reach across the country through well considered strategic alliances.

Because we have come this far and achieved so much, prospering in good times and bad, the services we provide and the guidance we offer have real value. Whether the state of the economy is tranquil, fluid or turbulent, you can rely on ASCOT Wealth Management to help identify, protect and advance your interests.

If this resonates with you, we believe you understand that the value of a skilled and trusted advisor cannot be overestimated.

We would like to be that adviser.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us.

— From Charles Dickens’, A Tale of Two Cities

Vision, Mission and Values

Building and protecting multi-generational wealth


To grow an expanding and respected firm in an innovative and progressive environment.


Deliver tailored professional services to our clients, today and in the future by leading the way in continually challenging standards across our industry


  • Acting honesty and with integrity at all levels within the firm.
  • Placing our client’s interest ahead of our own.
  • Valuing our staff and clients in equal measure
  • We forge strong business relationships with proactive advice when needed.
  • Providing a progressive environment that challenges our staff learning

Get life insurance.
Get a wealth bonus.
Get living.

We are here to help. Contact us today and we can discuss all the relevant options that are available to you no matter what situation you are in.

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